Zuko, a tiny terrier rescued at sea.
A group of friends were enjoying a beautiful day on their boat about a mile off the Ft. Lauderdale, Florida coast when they spotted a tiny terrier thrashing in the water nearby them.
Immediately, one of the boaters, Dylan Berian leaped into the water, still wearing his clothes as he quickly swam to the small dog.
(Story continues from "Read More")
He then took this tiny terrier in his arms and swam back to his boat where everyone helped him and his new buddy onboard.
There they comforted this Jack Russell terrier puppy who at first was cold, shaking and frightened from his near-death experience, as he had struggled in the water for about an hour.
They checked his collar, which had his name "Zuko" on its tag and Zuko's human companion's phone number, which they called.
He was soon reunited with his family, which had desperately been searching for him at sea.
Zuko is now doing great!
His family thinks he had been bouncing around on the back of their boat when he accidentally fell off the back.
Now they know for all future boating excursions to put tiny Zuko in a life jacket and to keep an eye on him as well.
For he, like any child, is too precious to leave unprotected and unattended.
Editor's Note:: To see Zuko's rescue youtube.com/watch?v=KSCYRQKVYXo and facebook.com/watch/?v=830207010993922&_rdr.
In the next KazanToday: Wes Jackson, a high school football player with down syndrome scores a special touchdown.